Friday, November 11, 2011

Final Project Brainstorm

In media today celebrities are often said to be "photoshoped" to take out any flaws and appear to be close to perfect. For my final project I wanted to try and photoshop average people and make them go from plain to glamourous. Since my major deals with the image industry I thought this would be a creative way to display some of the photoshop skills I've learned over the quarter. I've learned in previous classes and online how to use certain tools in photoshop to add things like makeup and hair to a photo. A person can find lots of tutorials and videos online that display how to use these tehcniques as well.

In my final projects I haven't decided on if I'd like to focus on different tehcniques in different pictures or if I want to use them in all the pictures. I plan on incorporating modern makeup designs, adding makeup, and possibly altering skin complexions. Although I have learned a lot in the course I plan on searching online on how to do some certain changes.I've always been interested in the aspect of photoshopping pictures to take out people's flaws and make changes so I'm happy that I finally get a chance to try it myself now that I actually know how to use photoshop.

I plan on pulling random face and body shots of people from google images. I think it'd be easier to do random people I don't know instead of people I know to avoid bias. I'm debating on if i want to display both the before and after pictures once I finish the project or if I should only display the final product. I think it'll be fun to do research on some crazy modern makeup and hair styles and see what I can do with them in photoshop.

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